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Prof. Ram G. Takwale & Prof. N. J. Pawar on the Impact of the COVID 19 on Higher Education and the Future of Mankind

Topic: Covid 19: Its Impact, Mission and Future of Mankind

A Live Interview with Prof. Ram G. Takwale by Lesan Azadi on 13 June, 2020

A Conversation with Prof. N. J. Pawar by Lesan Azadi on 25 April 2020


  1. From the social and educational perspectives what do you see coronavirus is doing? The present situation? 
  2. Is the present pandemic a mere crisis or is it fulfilling a greater mission? What is our valuable learning? Is it moving us to a higher level of maturity?
  3. What do you perceive to be the impact of the present challenges for Higher Education and the future of mankind? 

Prof. Ram G. Takwale, the former Vice-Chancellor of University of Pune, IGNOU, and the Founder Vice-Chancellor of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University was interviewed live online by Lesan Azadi, Director of the Bahá’í Academy, Panchgani. Over sixty academicians from 14 universities in ten cities of Maharashtra and Odisha attended this one-hour programme. Link to the video recording of the interview is provided in this blog.

Although Prof. Ram G. Takwale answered a few questions by the audience, due to shortage of time some questions could not be answered, hence this blog has been created for further discussion and responses by Prof. Takwale.

It’s hoped that the discussions here will brighten the path as the world stands more than ever in need of hope, inspiration and the strength of spirit, and an unshaking faith that “humanity will ultimately pass though this ordeal, and it will emerge on the other side with greater insight and with a deeper appreciation of its inherent oneness and interdependence.” (The Universal House of Justice)

There is a second conversation with Prof. N. J. Pawar, The Vice-Chancellor of Dr. D Y Patil University, Pune, and former Vice-Chancellor of Shivaji University, Kiolhapur, on the Inact of Covid 19 & Opportunities in Higher Education. This conversation can be viewd on 

This is the time to move our minds towards the needs of the communities we belong to and the condition of the society we live in. We should put forth a great deal of effort toward the welfare of the whole human family who are our brothers and sister, and recommit ourselves to the well-being of others- - be it social, physical, psychological, spiritual, or educational. Let this be our legacy as the world is trying to come to terms with a fast evolving health crisis. The attributes that are required at this time are unity and fellow feeling, knowledge and understanding and common endeavor.


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